Transforming ‘registry’ with a focused, integrated roadmap and box of stories.

The ATO is in the midst of a six-year modernization program to digitally transform Australian business registers, involving multiple government agencies. 

igenci was tasked with helping the ATO simplify the complex change journey for their new Australian Business Registry Service (ABRS) exec team. We distilled six years of processes, outcomes, workstreams and milestones down into a concise three-page visual roadmap as an accessible engagement tool for all stakeholders. 

We then designed and wrote a pick ‘n’ mix selection of change stories to engage multiple audiences with the transformation’s benefits to Australian small business - as well as involve and motivate a diverse range of stakeholders including Government, ATO leaders, ATO people and registry users such as accountants. 

ABRS now has structure, clarity and focus for the next stages of transformation and a ’story box’ of change stories to bring the transformation to life across ABRS’s many communities.

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